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ELW and implied volatility (IV)

7 minute read

There are no individual stock options in the Korean stock exchange, a stark contrast to the US market. However, Korean financial firms provide a product call...

Koscom NAV and iNAV

5 minute read

The net asset value of an ETF is computed by dividing the total value of the ETF’s underlying assets by the number of outstanding shares:

KRX UDP Data and Market Microstructure

7 minute read

Korean Stock Exchange (KRX) is the only securities exchange in South Korea. Equities and ETPs get traded in Seoul while futures, options, and other derivativ...

Managing DB with source code generator

4 minute read

We often write redundant codes. I personally had to write a parser for different market data protocols. This is not only tedious but also error prone. One wa...

Snowflake and UDFTs

2 minute read

Recently I had to do some analysis on a large dataset and sql couldn’t cut it. So I had to resort using user defined function. Snowflake provides user-define...

mmap RAII

3 minute read

There are many ways to share data between processes.

US Market Data

4 minute read

Terminlogies: L1: Level 1 L2: Level 2 L3: Level 3 OLD: Order Level data LOB: Limit order book

SIP (CTA and UTP Plan) and Identifiers

3 minute read

Terminologies: CTA: Consolidated Tape Association UTP: Unlisted Trading Privileges CTS: Consolidated Tape System CQS: Consolidated Quote System UT...

Sum of Cauchy sequence is not Cauchy

2 minute read

Today I was asked whether sum of two convergent sequences converges. This can be trivial if we are dealing with $\mathbb{R}$ using $|\cdot|$ as our metric. B...

What is the definition of continuity?

3 minute read

When I first studied real analysis, the definition of continuity was clear but there were just so many of them. I took some time to list as many definition o...

MOPO - Model-based Offline Policy Optimization

3 minute read

In this post I will provide proofs for some lemmas and theorems in model-based offline policy optimization. This post doesn’t provide different proofs but ra...

Hausdorff’s maximality theorem (zorn’s lemma)

less than 1 minute read

Hausdorff’s maximality theorem (or Zorn’s lemma) is used often in graduate level real analysis course. Because the proof is a bit convoluted, most courses us...