Hello! I spend my time solving math problems and programming in python, c++ and little bit of rust. My job requires me to stay up to date with both math and programming. I usually posts stuff that I found interesting.

Books that I enjoyed!

Setting up this blog

Setting up my first github pages was not as easy as I thought. Since I don’t have any experience with creating a static web page, I had to look up bunch of stuff on stackoverflow and tutorials.

  1. First thing I did was to clone this repo minimal mistakes and follow the Quick-Start Guide. Note that you need to install bunch of stuff for this. Plus, you need a github account and make your github pages.

  2. I’m using disqus to enable commenting on my posts.

If you want to run your jekyll site locally, you need to install jekyll and run

jekyll serve

If you modified your Gemfile, run

bundle exec jekyll serve

Setting up mathjax support

To enable mathjax support for you jekyll website, follow the instruction here.

Blogging with jupyter notebooks

To embed your jupyter notebook on your jekyll website, follow the tutorial here. Just in case the link is down, here is what you should do:

  1. Write the jupyter notebook in the _jupyter folder
  2. When it’s finished, jupyter nbconvert <nb> --to markdown
  3. Move it to the _posts folder

For now I’m gonna see how long I can blog consistently. If this works out, maybe I’ll branch out to creating videos on youtube!